The Purpose, The Process, and The Promise is Beautiful in it's Time


Sunday - 9 AM Sunday School Education via zoom, 11 AM Worship Service | THURSDAY -7:30PM BIBLE DISCUSSION via facebook/youtube live, friday-7:30pm zoomathon prayer/fellowship

Jun. 23, 2024

In a life where there are guaranteed ups and downs; highs and lows; peaks and lows; mountains and valleys; disappointments and achievements, we must know that God remains Sovereign through it all and he makes all things beautiful in its time.  God is an intentional God that is not filled or surprised by mistakes, and he moves in and out of time, in and out of season.  The promises He has made individually and corporately are yes and amen and are connected to process and process is rooted in purpose.  The process is allowed to not kill, but build us, teach us, mold us, prepare us for the promise, yet we still desire the promise without process or understanding of purpose.

Abraham received a promise that had purpose that required a process.  The children of Israel given a promised that was drenched in purpose in which it required them to go through the process.  Joseph given a dream, a promise that served a purpose bigger than himself, but there was a process for him that may have looked messy, but God was with him in his process.

So, to everything there is a purpose and time and season, So endure your time and season and anticipate the promise.  Allow the process to do what it does and be like the children of Israel-move with the cloud at day and the fire by night.  Don't get stuck in a time and season too long and don't move to fast for the promise is purposed and the process is needful and is made beautiful in it's time.

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