Restored Dominion


Sunday - 9 AM Sunday School Education via zoom, 11 AM Worship Service | THURSDAY -7:30PM BIBLE DISCUSSION via facebook/youtube live, friday-7:30pm zoomathon prayer/fellowship

Aug. 11, 2024

Donald Lawrence wrote a song. "Let's Get Back to Eden, Living on Top of the World".  He was literally saying le'ts get back to our restored dominion.  Adam along with Eve was given dominion over all the earth.   It was Adam that God brought the animals to and he named them.  But with the disobedience of Eve and Adam, came the loss of dominion.  They relinquished it to satan.  God promised that the woman would bruise the head of the enemy and the enemy would bruise her heel.  The promised Messiah was born, walked the earth, died and resurrected hence paying the penalty of sin for mankind and restoring our dominion.  Christ said all power is in my hand.  That power has been given to us, but we walk around defeated and not tapping into the Restored Dominion given by God through Jesus Christ.  Christ tells us we can speak to the mountain, we can walk on scorpions because our dominion has been restored, but we allow fear, doubt, past experiences and the whispers of the enemy thwart our perceptions, understandings, authority given by God to be victorious and more than conquerors right here on earth.  It's time to tap into our Restored Dominion.

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