Overcoming Your Giants


Sunday - 9 AM Sunday School Education via zoom, 11 AM Worship Service | THURSDAY -7:30PM BIBLE DISCUSSION via facebook/youtube live, friday-7:30pm zoomathon prayer/fellowship

Feb. 18, 2024

David understood that although he was at a disadvantage in the natural, he was at an advantage with God on his side.  He had already experienced the keeping power of God in the face of a lion and bear, so Goliath didn't stand a chance.  Goliath was dead before the stone hit him because David's faith propelled the stone to bring the enemy of God and Goliath to nothing.  Overcome your giants with your faith in God knowing that if God be for you who can be against you?  There is no demon, problem, person or situation that God can not handle or bring low.

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